.....Take out the papers and the trash....

So, finally the weather broke this afternoon and the Boss got her way......we tidied the garage.

Up first this morning and into work to mark some books....problem....couldn't get into my lab due to heavy duty cleaning....managed to get some books passed out to me...managed to mark them.... but had to give up on getting near a computer to do my reports and data capture. Probably means I'll have to stay late one evening next week to catch up.

Home to find the Boss up (finally) and so we spent the afternoon tidying the garage....trips to the tip.......sweeping and dusting.....re-arranging. I probably should have done a before and after shot.....but if you look at this shot and imagine about 15 times more crap piled up in the middle, then you'll get the idea.

Both of us are aching a bit now....the Boss is watching tv...I'm listening to the radio....Utd are losing....the noisy neighbours are winning....not good....but it will come right by the end of the night.

Wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow? Maybe a chance of fishing?

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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