.....losing lots of keys.....

First the good news....Shaun is fine....his chest pains turned out to be nothing but a chest infection....still, better safe than sorry.........he is on a course of antibiotics and steroids and has to take it easy for a few days. Bet that means I have to carry his gear if we go fishing on Sunday!

Dad went home today.....I love him to bits but I have to say after 5 days I'm pooped. We had a bit of an adventure for him to end his visit....decided not to drive him to the station but to go on the tram instead.

No parking spaces at the tram station when we arrived....I left him at the entrance and drove round until after about 5 minutes a space became vacant. Bought the tickets....£3.90 return for me....£3.70 single for him!!!!! He doesn't qualify for reduced fare because he's not a resident of Greater Manchester....even if he is 83!! He enjoyed the tram ride, passing places he and Mum visited on previous trips to see us....and then the tram right through the City centre.

Got to Piccadilly and found the correct platform...train arrived....got him settled with his bag and a sandwich and drink....train left bang on time and I waved him off. Texted my sis to let her know he was on his way. As I left the station....the Sun came out!!!....five days of solid rain while he's been here, the moment he leaves we get good weather.

Back home I began to put the house back to it's normal format....strange that we have to change the format for Charlie's visits and also for my Dad's visits....especially weird that we need a night light on the landing for Dad...but not for Charlie yet.

Sis texted to say she'd picked him up but had he left his keys? Definitely not...the very last things I gave him before we set off. He's lost them somewhere...not in my car...not in my sis' car,... so......on the tram.... or in the station...or on the train....or outside the station....So tomorrow I need to phone GMPTE and see if any one found and handed in a set of keys at either Bury or Manchester....can't be any where else all the other stations are un-manned........and my sis has to phone the train company to see if they were found on the train. He's gone but he's still dictating my activities for tomorrow.

Probably have to nip in to work tomorrow also...still one set of books to mark...and a set of reports to do...and then the Boss has reminded me we still need to empty all the crap out of the garage...so that's probably Thursday taken care of!

Maybe I'll get to go fishing on Friday....or maybe it'll rain again.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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