Day 2

Woke up to snow and high winds.
Is this stuff going to follow us to Cyprus?
Taxi to the station, freezing wind through the 'waiting room 'and train to the airport. That is where I fell out with SWMBO. Despite having been quizzed about her truck-load of toiletries before leaving she insisted that everything was required. Well when the toiletries truck had to be put into a clear plastic bag it turned out that 2 bags were required and some stuff had to be ditched because the containers were capable of holding more than the prescribed half dozen drops of whatever product they contained. She then managed to disappear (in the shops of course) for a while.
The flight was uneventful despite warnings from the captain that it could be a bumpy ride.
We were all picked up by the future daughter-in-laws parents and taken to their house for a much needed cup of tea .......... and a blether.

Then it was off to next door where we are staying (it is a holiday home for a couple who use the place maybe twice a year ..... nice if you have the money)

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