Day 3

A cool start to the day but the blue sky was hinting at it getting warm..

Mid-morning saw SWMBO and me, No1 son and his fiancé and her parents all heading off to check out wedding venues that had been short listed.

When we arrived at the first hotel we found that it was not open for the season and in the process of renovation. Lucky for us the manager had arrived just before us and was able to show us round. The location was super and there were lots of alternatives to an outside ceremony should the weather not be suitable on the day. However - we doubt very much if it was be open early enough in the month next year for the planned date.

Venue 2 is in the same hotel chain and is open all year round so no problems there. It is an even nicer hotel (shown in the prices of course) but the outside location for the wedding isn't as nice.

After this it was a break for some food and a walk round the harbour.

"Blackpool in the sun" is how I have heard it described. I am not sure I would say it is up to that standard and there is no way you can find anywhere to try real Cypriot food ???. All burgers and egg& chips. That is fine with No1 sons' fiancées parents, but not what SWMBO and I would normally look for in food when on holiday in foreign climes.

Venue3 was (I hope) a waste of time. ?.. It was a huge hotel with no feeling of intimacy or interest from the staff - the manager didn't even ask who was getting married let alone speak to them. There was also no privacy anywhere and the meal venue would be shared with other hotel guests ?? what the hell is that about? And as for wedding photos --- they could be taken on the beach. Yeah, sure?? the busiest beach on Cyprus - how good would that be?

Late afternoon was spent next to the pool (too cold to go in though) having a chat and a few drinks.

Evening was taken up with a very nice meal cooked by our hosts ?. And a drink or two.

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