can cook, will cook

during the school holidays, when I am still trying to get some work done, I expect that the children help out a bit in the house. This week they've been cooking. Biggest made some nice filled & breaded steaks with salad on Tuesday, on Thursday Flea made us roast chicken legs with couscous and salad and today Littlest made us spaghetti with cheese sauce and salad. They're pretty good at salad ;-) But the rest was yummy too and it was interesting to see how each one plans (or doesn't) from shopping list through to meal on the table, how they take in special dietary needs and special wishes. And how much mess the kitchen is in at the end (different for each child)

What shall I get them to do next week?

Today we started splitting the ENORMOUS pieces of wood that have been cut for us in the forest - the contractor took down a massive tree for us and now we have to turn it into logs. We've managed to do very little, break a number of tools and become completely exhausted. So, decision has been made to borrow a machine.....
We also cleared a space to stack the wood to dry by the barn so that's another bit of chaos tidied up and a very small woodpile is there marking the spot where the very big woodpile will be very soon. Providing we don't break the machine....

p.s. Biggest had her MRI today - there was no nasty surprise waiting for us but it means that we still don't know what's up with her eyes or what the future will be for her. So, more tests ahead.......

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