Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A Healthy Obsession?

Weighed in at 83.9kg this morning, which gives me a BMI of 23. Anything up to a BMI of 25 is normal, beyond that I would be overweight. 18.5 would drop me in to underweight. Bored already? Don't be, this is about you too. If you don't understand this stuff you should. A few years ago I weighed 100kg which put me in the middle of the overweight range and lost three and a half stones in three and a half months (apologies for mixing metric and imperial, I changed over at that time - kilograms are so much easier; but three and a half stones in three and a half months is at least symmetrical, if not metrical).

Anyway as a result of the weigh-in I'm counting calories again and want to get down below 82kg. It's about my feelgood factor, about not letting the bellyboys defeat me. Plus TSM is dieting so it's the supportive thing to do.

So we had roast vegetable fritata for supper from the Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall vegetarian cookbook. Incidentally my spellchecker doesn't recognise fritata. It suggests changing it to "irritation". How random is that? It doesn't recognise Hugh's double barreled moniker either and suggests he should be called "Hugh Fearless Hairsplitting". That's not random, that's cool. I might write him and suggest it. Actually my spellchecker doesn't recognise "recognise" either but that's the stupid American obsession with the zed.

High life today. Argos and Morrisons. But nicely chilled. Going on the exercise bike in a minute. All part of the healthy obsession ...

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