Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

More Matroyshka

This is the second time I've blipped these Russian dolls but this time it's just a little experiment so I've only rolled out the three rather than the full set. What I'm pleased with is the very deep level of detail - shot on a tripod at maximum ISO, in the aperture sweet spot, with a bit of HDR toning thrown in. Far from perfect but all part of my photographic journey.

I could go all metaphorical on you and say that my life is a bit like this at the moment, always one more layer etc particularly at work ... but that would be a load of pretentious rubbish. It's just a photograph. However, I did have a long day again and it is hard work finding time to blip when most of your waking hours are taken up with emails, meetings, managing staff, and trying to map out some common sense ideas for dealing with change. And also trying to be there for your family.

The good thing about today was getting a wireless network extender which means we can now pick up an internet signal in the garage at the bottom of the garden which means I can stream stuff from Love Film whilst I'm exercising ... Visions of being down there for a while ....

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