Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Proud Achiever

I had a number of potential blips today. The one that came closest was the road or should I say 'river' on the way to the gym. I really hope Veolia Water are catching all this rain!

William only had swimming today as Music Train isn't back until next week. He started in the three year olds class, a class of three now and the other two are a little older, bearing in mind he is actually 2.5. I was concerned how he would do, but he was fantastic. Not only did he do as he was told, he fully participated and really went for it. He even jumped in three times, with great excitment ( a great improvement) although Wendy made sure he didn't submerge just yet!

An afternoon of jobs and cake as a reward for just generally being lovely, (W not me) and it was an escape from the rain. We picked up C from school to find her bouncing as she was achiever of the week in Reception and not only did she have to read out her writing to the whole school in assembly but she also got presented with her Stage 4 Swimming Certificate. Very proud Mummy moment.

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