Just the Withers......

By JaneW

The eagle has landed ...

Ohhhhhhhh boy what a day .. Rain,warm sun.. Cloudy... Drizzle... Sun ... Hail ... Bloody brilliant !!! Tent up in 45 minutes which is not bad for the second time I don't think ... Christine's tent up which Mr W then modified so it actually stayed up and closed .. But the best bit ... WE MANAGED TO SET FIRE TO CHRISTINE'S GAS HOB !!! Haaaaa it had flames coming from the holey bits .. And I poked the off button with a fork .. No one was injured and it was terribly warming ... The shower block is immaculate and warm
.. The toilets are clean ... We have had wonderful fish and chips ... And I just made us adults a hot chocolate .. We are sat with the doors open in ski gear :D kids scantily clad playing football in the dark ... Our tent heater packed up 56 seconds after being switched on so the campsite have loaned us one ... We have a lot of biscuits ... Kids have been swimming in the log flume whatsits in the leisure centre we are camped next to ... I bloody love my tent ... Tomorrow the beach .. In the rain x

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