A confused genius

By Lez11


Woke up this morning at 6am as I couldn't sleep last night. At 7am I decided to go shopping in tesco to get a few bits and bobs for my bathroom when I've finished decorating it.

My sisters boyfriend, Ricky came round early today and disconnected my toilet so me and my bother could put down my new flooring in the bathroom. When I say me and my brother I really mean my brother (pic). I didn't get a look in as he decided to take charge. It's strange really as I used to do all the DIY when we both lived at my moms and he used to help me, now it's the other way round.

After my floor was finished I took a trip to B&Q and ikea and I brought paint, for my bathroom from B&Q and a huge mirror, again for my bathroom from ikea. It's the first room I've decorated since I moved into my appartment 6years ago.

I also realised today that I forgot to tax my car and I've been driving around for 3 weeks with no tax, whoops!

As I'm going to get up early tomorrow to do my ironing and painting I decided to put my feet up tonight have me a lamb rogan josh for tea and watch el Classico, Barcelona vs Real Madrid.

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