A confused genius

By Lez11

We're going to Barnsley!!!!!

Woke up at 6am again this morning and after ironing my work clothes I decided to paint the door frame and skirting board in my bathroom (pic) at 7am. I did get a little carried away after I painted my bathroom as I decided to paint my hall way aswell. After 4 hours of painting I popped to my moms for a shower (as my bathroom was wet with paint) and Sunday lunch.

I went to the wolves match this afternoon vs Manchester city knowing if we lose we will be relegated. Guess what? We lost, but I've know for a long while that we are not good enough to stay in the premier league. The highlight of the match was we were singing, "Que sera sera whatever will be wil be - we're going to Barns-e-lee, Que sera, sera".

So today not only am I aching like hell after painting all morning I'm also depressed as the team I love have been relegated. In the words of monty python, always look on the brightside of life!

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