Simply Me

By Suze981

A rough day

Ok it's only 13.07 and I've already had an awful day. I've been feeling run down for about a week now. I've been sleeping in excess of 10 hours a night and still been tired, have a cold/cough that's sitting waiting to emerge and 2 days ago started to get a cold sore.

Despite this, I felt ok when I woke up. I had developed a 'crick' (that's not the right word, but it's my word for it) in my neck and couldn't move it to the right. I had a 10 miler to do, so I swallowed some ibuprofen and headed out.

That was a mistake. I made it 4 miles before breaking down and sobbing on portobello promenade. I sat there for 20 minutes crying. I wasn't particularly upset or worried about anything, but I couldn't stop. I then walked home. I couldn't run.

When your body is giving you signals, you should always listen to them.

I'm now in my pjs on my couch about to watch a bit of Jack Bauer all afternoon. I'm wearing my Woodstock pj top and Snoopy pj bottoms and Snoopy has joined me for a cuddle. I thought this might make some of you smile... Yes I'm talking about you Edisteve, I know you join me in the love of all things snoopy :)

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