A confused genius

By Lez11

Every cloud has a silver lining

Woke up this morning aching like hell after spending the weekend putting my floor tiles down and painting. At work the back of my legs were killing. I think working in an office for the last several years as turned me soft.

Work was ok but all I could think about was what decorating I had left to do at home.

When I go back Home I spent another 3 hours glossing and painting the ceiling followed by 2 hours of moaning how much pain I was in. Luckily my friend lives on my estate so I went round there for a shower and a glass of well deserved wine.

I've got all this to go through tomorrow as well when I paint the walls, you can't believe how much I'm looking forward to it, NOT. Hopefully it will look good and there will be a light at the end of the tunnel once its finished, just like the rainbow in my fish tank today (pic). Note to me: pay someone to decorate my kitchen, dining room and living room when I decide to decorate it in July.

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