.....Reflections of the way.........

.....the weather can cock up my plans.

And a bit of an homage to Daily Wanderings.

This was the view that greeted me at 6.00 this morning...........lashing rain, wind and a leaden sky as far as the eye could see. A few quick phone calls determined that we weren't going to drive 30 miles in this weather to get soaked fishing. So we decided to delay until 8.15 and meet at one of our local ponds............so that if the weather stayed bad...or even got worse we could all be home in 20 minutes.

We eventually all met up at Red Bridge and as we got out of the cars there was a flash and a HUGE clap of thunder........and 5 minutes later it stopped raining...we had a few showers, none lasting more than 10 minutes.........and the fishing was good.........I absolutely destroyed the boys for three hours.........24 of our new 4-6 inch carp ( common and mirror) 3 roach and a 2lb bream.

But as the morening wore on I became of a burning sensation in my left foot that got more and more painful....by noon I had to admit defeat and call it a day....I dropped Shaun off at home..... and when I got back here and pulled my boot off....,,I knew....the gout was back!!!!! Big toe joint, left foot, red, hot, painful and swollen to about 5 times normal.

So that's been my afternoon....painkillers and anti-inflammatories to try and knock it on the head...but it hasn't worked...it's just got more and more painful and more swollen...just tried and can't get a shoe on...not even a trainer...so in an attempt to be able to go to work tomorrow I'm going to take another dose and go off for an early night. Already cancelled the beer with D an B, emailed the Boss to let her know and stuffed the bottom of the bed with pillows to try and raise the foot a bit. I haven't had an attack since.....before Christmas....I thought it was under control with diet...but obviously not!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

p.s. Just to make matters worse United dropped two point today and let the noisy neighbours close to within 3....and the weather has been lovely and sunny all afternoon.

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