A MIMent In Time

By justmim

17/30 - technology

This picture isn't even close to being an accurate representation of the wonderful day this had been! However, a challenge is a challenge :]

These bus trackers are certainly a useful piece of technology that I think I often overlook. They have saved me many a chilly wait at the bus stop!

Sunday was a brilliant day in all senses. Church was a really good service and I found myself meeting several new faces and learning some new names to go along with them :] Pews, "the lounge" and the ladies toilets were all witness to this process!

Then it was off to lunch with Barry & Maureen at their house, along with another couple and lady from the church - more new faces and names! Lunch was lovely and we spent the afternoon in the garden (sunshine!) talking away and just relaxing, before a quick bite of tea and then back to church.

A chilled evening of reading Francis Chan's "Crazy Love" tied the day up nicely and a good, long sleep followed :]

It really was the perfect kind of Sunday :]

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