A MIMent In Time

By justmim

18/30 - your shoes

"Slowly strolling in the sweet sunshine,
And I'm running late,
And I don't need an excuse,
'cause I'm wearing my brand new shoes."
-Paolo Nutini - New Shoes

Well, I tried strolling slowly earlier on my way to university, sadly the rain started just as I left the door and subsequently stopped just as I arrived at uni! As such it was more of a mad-dash, shoulders up to keep hood on, occasional skip to miss the puddles kind of walk.

The walk back was significantly more sunny and relaxed though :]

It has been another productive day; uni for class in the morning then back to the flat for a shower (no hot water so using Fee's en-suite shower [electric] at the mo which means some careful timing!), lunch and essay preparation. Then it was a return to uni for a group presentation meeting, essay writing, presentation prep and some (welcome!) distractions in the form of some lovely friends.

Back to the flat for dinner, cake baking and kitchen cleaning. Now attempting a final stretch of work and it's off to bed for me!

Nutella cake - doesn't look a great deal but turned out really quite yummy! Will definitely be trying it again with 3 eggs instead of 2 (woops!) and a smaller cake tin :]

EDIT - tehe, check out my blip from this date last year - not quite the same shoes, but when these ones had become a bit too worn thin I decided to replace them with the above!

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