must try harder

By halfcj


I saw it with my own eyes, and I still don't believe it! Just the most phenomenal football match I think I have seen, right up there with the Man Utd Final against Munich...not because the end to end football was good (or even present) but because the game was so one sided but this didn't deter Chelsea from digging in and believing in themselves....against the best football team that has ever graced a football field.

If this game isn't a lesson for everyone, non-football fans included, about fighting for what you believe in and never giving up, then I don't know what is.

On a football note, what John Terry was doing to get red carded is way beyond my comprehension, but what I do know is that it seemed to make the resolve of the remaining players that much more fervent.

Zero: John Terry, who in that moment only thought of himself.
Hero: The whole of the remaining team who played for each other 100%.

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