A confused genius

By Lez11

Honesty is the best policy

I have ordered me 3 canvas pictures today to put on my walls when I finish decorating. I have had 3 of my favourite pictures put on canvas to make my place more personal and homely. I have got another panoramic pic that I want to put on canvas but they didn't do the size I wanted. I'm going to have to pay a bit more money now and get them done in Jessops, photo4me or some where like that

When I got home from work today I had recieved a card int the post. The card was from wolves thanking me for renewing my season ticket (pic) for next year. It said they know it's been a tough year, which is a bit of an understatement. Personally I think they are taking the p##s by sending the card trying to make amends for their poor leadership, management and direction this season. I would have preferred them to have sent me a letter saying sorry for the s##t season, we f##ked up. At least it would have been honest rather than a cheap PR stunt to apologise without actually apologising. Honesty is the best policy in my book.

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