Long Lived

They live longer than us ................
What stories they could tell.

Today I was told that my father had been extremely aggressive and quite violent towards staff at the carehome.
We don't know if it is because of his change in circumstances o a downward turn in his condition.
However - if he carries on with his behaviour he will need to be moved to a different location where they can deal with him........the cae home is not equipped to deal with sedation etc.
We are having to have him reassessed by the psycologist who - hopefully - can tell us if it is condition or location.

Tonight at the camera club I nearly blew my stack at the pettyness that the committee were showing to a couple of us over entries to the first competition of the session. We are the longest and 'nearly' longest serving members in the club and they are treating us like children.
It is not only judges I am now setting out to piss off and give a hard time to - the committee have just declared war.

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