Scotland is beautiful....but!

What a fantastic day, wall to wall sun, sea & sand in our case. Took doggies out for a run to Crinan Ferry sand, tide out & no one there but ourselves. Sometimes I just want to bottle these smashing views up, cork them and keep them but I suppose we have to share our beautiful country with visitors.
However I dispair still of our hospitality.
Yesterday when on our way to the fantastic Pucks Glen we stopped at a cafe and saw a board outside declaring fish & chips, bread & tea £4.99 Not bad thought a hungry hubby so in we went.

We were pounced on by this chronometer of a waitress with such a soor face that would have turned a funeral up a side street, pen poised over pad
"What would yous like" "the fish & chips" said hubs. Glaring at her timepiece on her wrist, eyes Heavenwards "ITs Off " she declared. "Its after 2.30" Again let me just remind visitors to our beautiful country DONT GET HUNGRY AFTER 2.30 you silly people! you won't get fed. "its on the back of the menu" she spat while chucking the menu at us and I don't know yet why she needed the pen and bloody big pad lik Moses had on the Mount when she obviously wasnt going to scribble anything on it!
After settling on a coffee & a glass of coke, when we came out into the main shop area she had blocked the cafe entrance with a coat stand! Yet the guy behind the counter was saying cafe was still open!
When oh when is this country going to learn that folks tummies are not timed to a clock that is only allowed to eat at certain times. Reminds me of the wee cafe in Uist that used to close for lunch!

Still happy blipping all

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