My life, my lens

By JennyRampling

Four seasons in one day

If Carlsbery did scenery and epic drives - B.C is what they would have created! We have travelled through some of the most spectacular landscapes that truly makes your heart soar and puts a permanent smile on your face!

We left Whistler after breakfast and the rain soon cleared to bright sunshine. The first part of the drive took as through lush green pastures and then we started to climb steeply into the mountains. Before long we were surrounded by a frozen wonderland with snow two foot deep. It started to snow as we passed by stunning views of snow capped mountains and then we spotted Lake Duffey. The lake went as far as the eye could see and was completely frozen and the scale was unbelievable.

We then carried on to Lillooet to stop for petrol. It was like going back in time as the bell goes off when you drive on to the forecourt and a man appeared to pump the petrol and then cleaned all of our windows. We decided to stop in town for some lunch and it reminded me of a wild west film when the saloon doors swing open when a stranger appears in town!

After lunch we carried on to Merritt through a range of scenery from lush spring colours to barren rock faces. We also got pulled by the police on the way through for a random vehicle check.

A great day of driving but we were both tired this evening. I had lots of pics to choose from this evening but I liked this one of our little home with the mountain backdrop.

BTW - thanks to everyone who comments on my journal on either blip or facebook. It gives me the motivation to keep going with it even when Im really tried!

Highway 99, near Lillooet, B.C.

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