There and back again

By Mikes

I don't want to be dried

Daughter No2 in line, sportively volunteered to take Jinxy for his morning walk today. It was so foul even he didn't want to go but being a sporty type off she went into the storm. Too breezy for the tops so it was the local wood this morning.

He normally loves going with No2 as she is his mum really!!!!!. On arrival back he knew that the dreaded towel would be waiting so he had to be dragged in protesting.

He is not yet aware, that tomorrow his mum will be taking into the college where she works so he can be a model spaniel for the students to wash. So she will play the bad cop. putting him into the class room and I will be the good cop when I save him from his torment and collect him at 2pm.

In the mean time, my better half and I will get a lay in, have a nice lunch somewhere and be loved to death for saving the big brave spaniel The students all love him and say he is fine when we leave him so me thinks he protests too much.

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