a new year!

By Thesalh70

the colour and the shape...

had a slight hangover from last night! woke up at half past midnight and was awake for a couple of hours, yet again! got back to sleep and up at 7am, and off to work at no.49 by 8am. determind to cross some things off my to do list today. two rubbed down the coving on the landing, painted ceiling in thev front bedroom, and finally added some colour to the tiny spare room. duck egg blue! blimey, it's lively!

it absolutely pittled it down all day long, and boy was it freezing! at various times, i got soaked running between 49, and home. finished work at 2.30pm and as i left, spotted quite a major leak in the front room. another job to sort! bucket there will sort hopefully until next weekend.

home, rads on, pjs on too, freezing. lovely dinner and lovely rest of the afternoon. wonder what this week will bring!.... hopefully sunshine

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