a new year!

By Thesalh70

'Can you tell what it is yet?!'

felt like Rolf Harris painting tonight! i remember as a child watching his prog, and the bit where he randomly painted something fab! that was always the best bit of his prog, that and the wobbly board thing he used to have, can't remember the proper name!

anyway, Monday, last day of April, and how dare April try and make it alright by signing off with a gorgeous blue sky, and hot rays of sun?! ok then, i'll let you off!

customer meetings out with Ash in Mansfield today. in conversation, a customer used the word 'beer off'....not heard that in years! thought it was just a Kimberley thing! think me and Li had the discussion about 'beer off' the other week!

back home in the afternoon and worked til 5pm then donned my scruffs to start another shift at 49. determind to get down my list of things to do at 49 this week. back at 8.30pm, tea and toast and bed!

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