
It was a loosey-goosey (which it was moosey) kind of day. Supposed to be 70 and sunny...more like 52 and gloomy.

I know they get a rap for being for being dirty, but you'll never convince me that the goose is not a beautiful bird.

After thinking that the geese were not going to have any babies...we now have four families. Babies-wise...there are 6, 3, 2, and an only child that I put on my flickr page. As close as I got to the only child...I got a lot of teeth, and a few hisses from mom and dad. Oops! I tried to tell them that I came in peace, but they weren't having it.

Also on my flickr page...to me...nothing quite like a bird in flight, especially if they are pretty close. Add the honking aspect of the geese, and it always makes me grin.

The goslings sure look cute and cuddly. Click on LARGE to get a better look at the 2 nappers, and the 2 "let's go" goslings.

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