A chinese rice bowl

full of jelly tots.

Or rather, it was, 10 minutes ago. Now it is empty, and I feel a little bit sick. Self inflicted.

James continues to be ill, although he does seem to have improved a little tonight. He is very unhappy that I am going on a school trip tomorrow night and has clearly been bottling that up as well. However, I think we have sorted that and he is just going to have to get on without me for 3 nights - it's not as though he will be on his own - he has SuperDad in the form of Corin. Hopefully the last of the sickness has passed today, so he will have to stay home tomorrow, but back in school on Thursday, fingers crossed.

Aside from that, today has been rather frightful. Something in the water...? The effects of rubbish weather? Whatever, my pain levels are high, my tolerance levels are low and being told by a rather vocal 12 year old today that I had no right to ask her a question caused me to have to use every ounce of self control not to completely blow my stack. Today has definitely been "one of those days" and tomorrow doesn't look much better as there is a shed load of work to be done before heading off tomorrow night.

Ah well, thems the breaks.

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