The sounds of the Universe

Today we have been to Jodrell Bank, having been released from the stress of marking coursework and having a free day.

Jodrell Bank has always been a landmark for me, having lived in Cheshire all of my life. There are lots of great vantage points to see it from and it does look wonderful when you see it from a distance, sat in the middle of the Cheshire Plain. However, nothing compares to seeing it close up and realising the sheer scale of it - in a couple of the pictures you can see Corin and Jimbo diddy men!

A few years back, Jodrell was very nearly closed, due to lack of funding, and the visitors centre was condemned. However, in the last couple of years, funding has been secured and lots of public support has meant that there is now a new visitors centre and work being done to restore and revive their fabulous gardens and arboretum. Fingers crossed as well that they will secure enough funding to re-build the planetarium there, because the previous one was fantastic.

This image is me stood under the "Big Bang" cone - camera pointing straight up, whilst listening to the "sounds of the big bang" and reading the text. I had to come out eventually as (other) children were waiting for me to let them in!

So, I will be re-visiting, because I love it - it inspires my geeky side!

I'm just glad I took my wide angle lens!

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