More rolling

Took away the top half of the playgym this afternoon, it looked like it was seriously cramping his style! He seems a lot happier now he can practise rolling around to get to his stuff. There's another baby at Little Fishes a couple months older than him who was doing some serious rolling maneuvers today. On the one hand I can't wait for Charley to be doing that kind of moving but on the other hand - he's growing up so quickly. These five months seem to have gone by so much quicker than Ben's first five months.

Had the ladies at Little Fishes laughing at me this morning because I looked like I could fall asleep where I stood! Soooo tired. (And incredibly stiff and sore today as well.) I think what's happening is that we're not getting to bed til late (yesterday I stumbled downstairs for my insulin very late after falling asleep with the boys, and went back up when Ben woke up and woukdn't settle for Steve), both boys are a bit under the weather so Charley is sleeping with a boob in his mouth most of the night (at least it feels like that) and Ben is sitting up and wanting a boob every hour (at least, it feels like that). And I am not waking feeling refreshed, and am forced out of bed by them at 7am. I joked this morning that as hard as my lovely children are trying to teach me to love mornings, it's going against every grain of my nature!

I am SO not a morning person. Ideally it takes a peaceful making-of breakfast, followed by a quiet eating-of breakfast, to change me into an agreeable human in the morning. Perhaps accompanied by a spot of foody photography. None of which happens on days like today...

Ah well.

We meandered down to the shop and back after Little Fishes, and once home had lunch, which Ben picked at but at least he did eat all the insides of a pork pie, as well as a whole crunch corner yoghurt that he asked for at the shop. (He ate the ham from inside his sandwiches three hours later.)

Ben has not been feeling well today. He wrapped himself up in the throw from the sofa, saying he was poorly in his tummy :( He did look sorry for himself. I'm not sure whether he was copying something he'd seen, or whether he really was poorly in his tummy, but I know he's under the weather so it wouldn't surprise me. He's gone to bed fine though which is good.

It's taken a long time to accomplish anything today but it's not been a bad afternoon - a handful of new orders for Messy Mama, laundry washed and dried, and cookie mixture made and in the fridge ready for balling and baking. Have to do them in the morning, as well as some Herman making. Cake! We shall have cake again! I joked to Ali yesterday that the main reason I'm not eating so many calories at the moment is because there's no Herman in the cake tin. That shall be rectified tomorrow.

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