The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Enough already

This is your garden. In your words, the little 'formal' lawn. After six weeks of growth and too much frickin rain to mention it is doing a grand impression of a jungle.

It is still raining.
I am so utterly peed off.
How in god's name will I ever mow this bloody garden?!

But it is Friday. And I treated myself to a nice bottle of Sauvignon Blanc and an almond meringue from Doddington Hall. And I am reading my new book, by Henri Cartier-Bresson, and burning the remnants of the coal bunker as it's damp and miserable in the cottage. Shit - forgot to order coal - hope the -5 forecast is wrong!

But it's a three day weekend. I know I will hear the 5am alarm tomorrow and feel cheerful and chipper. And go running and training and enjoy the peace of the early morning. But please...can you make the rain go away?x

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