The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Bloody well throw it, woman!

What a day! One for the record books!
Rise and shine at 5.45am, we had a fab walk along the badger track although I kept Lottie the Minx on the lead so that she couldn't get into trouble! Pippa walked perfectly to heel for the whole 50 minutes, she is just perfect!! It doesn't seem to rub off on Lottie though...but she is much more cuddly!

Anyway, after breakfast number one and Facetime with you I went training. Tough session! Home, shower, breakfast number two and then I raced to the BMW garage. Well, went as fast as the Yaris travels! I test drove a Z4 Roadster and then...

...I BOUGHT IT!!!!! Yippee dooo diii ayyy!!!!
God I am so excited, it goes like shit off a shovel and looks sexy as hell!
Picking it up on Wednesday and until then I will be unbearably excited!!

Came back down to earth, went to Waitrose to do my weekly food shop and then home. Put seven pairs of jeans, two suits, walking boots, waterproof jacket, a skirt and trousers on more skinny minx, athletic lady is here to stay so those lovely clothes can be sold to a new owner! Then we did some retrieving in the farmer's field and then some sodding about in the garden. I threw the doughnut endlessly for Pippa, this is her willing me to keep going! I took lots of shots but the shutter speed was wrong so this was the best of a very bad bunch!

So, I have celebratory scallops and a glass of SB for dinner and I'll watch The Voice. It's been a fab day...and I'll blip my new wheels on Wednesday!!!


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