All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Armchair gardening

Well ... after the bedtime battles last night Ethan DID sleep through the night. But only till 6am which wasn't anywhere near long enough considering he didn't go to sleep till after 10pm! I brought him in with me and he dozed, had some milk and finally went back to sleep around 7am for an hour.

Hubbie went to work while Granny & I had a leisurely breakfast before a mad dash to get ready in time for Ethan's gymnastics class. Made it down to the college in the nick of time only to find ... no one there! Ah well .... so we went clothes shopping instead at McArthur Glen! Ethan wasn't so impressed by this though and I ended up having to bribe him by hiring one of the car shopping trolley combos and giving him a bag of chocolate buttons. Bad mummy!

Oh, hubbie also arrived home early as he got to work to find his overtime had been cancelled and he hadn't got the text in time to notify him. Obviously one of those days today!

Granny went back home just before lunch. I had planned to take Ethan out to Polkemmet Country Park but bizarely it started to snow! Not much - just little flutters but it was baltic so we decided to stay at home. Ethan had a sleep in his pushchair after lunch so I did lots of filing. Once he woke, the sun had come back out again and it had got quite warm, so he came outside with me to help me weed the garden. He usually loves doing this but got bored quickly today and sat in his chair on the driveway and watched for a while instead. He then raced up and down the driveway in his Little Tikes car before running over to my neighbours house. We had a natter with her before we went out and she even gave Ethan a bounty bar - he has done well for chocolate today!

I ended up doing 3.5 hours of weeding / grass cutting so will probably be fit for nothing tomorrow!

At Ethan's bedtime I did a form of kiss and retreat. It took till 8.45pm for him to start nodding off but that's way better than the past few weeks and it was without and tears and drama so that's good progress.

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