All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Come back Ethan!

Another busy "Mummy & Ethan Day" today.

Ethan woke at 6.30am (11 hours sleep). This pleased hubbie though as it meant he got to spend some time with him before he went to work. Ethan & I were very organised and were fed, washed and dressed earlier than usual so ended up walking down to Sainsbury's at 9am. It was pretty quiet in the store, so I let him out the pushchair. He thought it was funny to run up and down different aisles to the ones I was trying to get him to go down and he even had some of the staff laughing with him too!

We then walked back home (getting caught in a rain shower) and headed off to our swimming class. I always go a bit earlier than I need to so he has a nap in the car before the class. He had 1/2 hour nap today before I had to wake him to take him in. He was a bit clingy during the class, I think because he was still rather sleepy, but he still enjoyed it.

Then home for lunch (during which he showed me he's getting pretty nifty at using a fork) before walking up to visit Missus B & Lucinda at their house. It was a 20 minute walk in the rain but I chose to walk rather than drive, because I'd hoped Ethan would have another nap. He did fall asleep just before we got there but woke up when I bumped the pushchair up the steps into the house. As soon as he spotted Lucinda, there was no chance of him going back to sleep! The 2 of them had great fun playing with all her toys, especially going in and out her play tent and tunnel. However, as Missus B discovered, trying to get a good photo of the 2 of them together was pretty impossible!

When we got home, Granny & Grandpa had arrived and hubbie was home too so Ethan was thrilled to see so many more people to pay him attention. After dinner, I left Granny & Grandpa to bath him while I drove to Whitburn for an eyebrow wax. Got home, then went to the polling station with hubbie.

Phew - I need a rest now!

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