Simply Me

By Suze981

This is no ordinary road...

...this is the road that broke me in the marathon almost a year ago. 30-40 mph winds battered against me and, already knackered, I gave in and walked for 2 miles.

Today, I did the best thing I could have done. I ran the last 20 miles of the marathon route. As I ran down this road, I felt overwhelming happiness as I didn't bat an eyelid on the road this time. I felt so strong and the happiness gave me a boost. I felt amazing.

I came into Musselburgh (the finishing point) with a massive grin on my face. I felt like I could take on the world. More importantly, my body wasn't tired and I knew I could run home. I didn't, I don't want to overdo it 3 weeks before the marathon, but the point is, I could have.

This is why I run. This feeling right now. I feel invincible. This is what my body was built to do. What a brilliant brilliant day :D

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