Simply Me

By Suze981

Highly exciting stuff!

I spent the morning cleaning my flat. I was up at 8, went shopping for cleaning supplies and then spent the next 4 hours cleaning my flat.

It's been needing it for a while, but to be honest, the only reason I did it is because my mum is coming through tomorrow. She's going to help me with my 20 mile run (providing water stops, jelly babies and encouragement). I wanted to spare her the embarrassment of having to tell me that I needed to clean the place.

It's looking spotless, it's much much nicer when it's clean! I'm spending the rest of the day on the couch watching season 2 of 24. I know I should be outside enjoying the sunshine, but I need to be resting the ole legs for the run tomorrow. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

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