The rest of forever...

By DrMac


Lottie was barking at Pippa for ages and I couldn't work out why. Pip seemed to be lying on her bed chilling in the afternoon sun (yes, I said sun!)...then I noticed that under her left paw was a few feathers...attached to a little bird! She looked at me with those innocent eyes, as if she didn't know it was there, and let me take the poor wee thing away. Although I took a few shots before I buried it put it in the wheelie bin!

Today has been an odd sort of day. It was nice to talk to you when I woke, I had some grub and then took the girls to training with me. We had an hour of frisbee and retrieving and sodding about before my was rubbish, far too easy. I pay to be half murdered, not start with downward doggedy dog yoga! Anyway, I came home and hoovered, dusted (yawn!), sorted the washing and did other crap jobs. I attempted to mow your lawn (yes, it is YOUR lawn because it nearly killed me to get the mower through it) and after half the garden was done the mower decided that it had had enough and packed up. Seriously, those petrol mowers aren't made for the weak, pulling that bloody cord to make it start over and over and over again is bloody hard work! Well, we both gave up. The garden looks like it has been attacked by a massive pair of crazed scissors!

Went to Karen's 50th and ate. Came home. Walked the ladies, delivered the local newsletter and put the Parish Council minutes on the board. And now it is 8pm. Best eat as it will be bedtime soon!!

Glad you had a nice time with my Mum and Dad...hope you get some deisel into Nepal or it will be an odd week at work without any electricity!x

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