The rest of forever...

By DrMac


P: Where's my ball?
L: Sshhhhh....
P: I know it's around here somewhere...I saw it earlier when I was racing about the garden...
L: Shoosh, I'm's sooooo warm....
P: *pounce* here it with me?
L: You've got two hopes of me playing ball with you...
P: Eh?
L: Two hopes...
P: That sounds promising...
L: Bob Hope and No Hope. Bugger off.
P: Muuuuuuummmmmmm.....throw my ball?!

Woke at 4.17am to fighting dogs. Scared the hell out of me. Put Rags in his tent and we had a couple of peaceful hours. All was fine this morning but just had another episode...Rags just seems to wander in to their space and get very close to their faces, which they don't seem to like and which makes them aggressive. Not nice. Anyway, back to work tomorrow so they will be apart and fine I'm sure.

I miss you.
Today has been lovely but it would have been much nicer if you were here.

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