This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

When we talk about art

Today we worked on our big event that is coming up in June with Stewart making changes to a postcard and a website. We are excited about it and hope it goes off without a hitch. We'll see.

I had a skype chat with Jennifer about art and finances and the stressful side of that life and then said a quick hello to Stewart's mom on skype as well. Then it was salad time for lunch.

Our friend and fellow artist Linda came over and we all talked about the good and the bad for four hours. She was given a tea cake and some tablet so we sent her buzzing home.

Stewart and I looked at the remaining work that we created together last year and thought about our exhibition in July. We worked more on our June event and then later I roasted baby potatoes, onions, garlic, and fake chicken in the oven for our dinner.

We took an almost 5 mile walk around town and through the University where we stumbled on a photography exhibition. It was a lovely surprise to bump into works by Dorthea Lange and Walker Evans among other heavy hitters when I wasn't expecting it.

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