Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Good luck ...

This blip is dedicated to TSM who is having surgery tomorrow. Friends at work have lent her a pile of DVDs to watch as she recuperates.

I love you babe and we'll all look after you over the coming days and weeks. The surgery will be fine. Not too sure about your neurological condition after all that telly watching 'though...

Talking of telly, as I blip, The Sky at Night is on. Four very over enthusiastic blokes resembling the cast of Big Bang Theory with the shrivelled yoda-like 89 year old Patrick Moore in the middle talking about constellations in the shape of a teapot and a star which I am sure he called Al Fart.

I haven't been stargazing today; nor navel gazing; more like double glazing. Just too much to do so I can't focus. Oh well .... still probably better than telly gazing ...

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