A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


Corin retrieved this from his shed at his parents' home last weekend. It was a present from his bro a few years back. Its metal which has been cut and 'tarnished' with an oxy-acetelene torch. Its fantastic. I balanced it on my knee in the car on the way to Delamere Forest today and took this shot.

Today was a day's holiday from school - for everyone not just me! Corin took the day off as well so that we could spend a little bit of time together as the past 6 weeks at work have been so intense and with so much extra work to do at home - I've neglected him somewhat. And the getting home at nearly 11pm last night - I was glad to not have to get up at 7am today I can tell you.

Anyway, upon arrival at Delamere, we chanced upon a group of scouse Scallies (I'm sure there were 6 of them) who had managed to wedge their small Fiat Punto into the ditch at the side of the road. Corin tried to help the push it out, but the ground was wet and muddy and they had well and truly stuffed it. So we left them to it and suggested they found someone with a rope and a landrover! Made us chuckle (they'd tried to turn round in the road - it was wide enough to 3 point turn a transit van I hasten to add - and just completely buggered it up. Also, 6 of them in a Punto?!) Corin's phrase - "Park it like you stole it" seemed quite apt with them!

Weather stayed nice, got some great shots of mushrooms (Corin is fascinated by them and we always investigate to see what interesting specimens we can find - we did find some Magic ones, but obviously didn't pick them. Not that daft). Also found a couple of 'rude mushrooms.....bottom mushroom and mushroom that looks like a willy!

Also some lovely landscape shots from here

A lovely day, and we were able to collect James at the end of school - so an early pick up, dropped in to see dad and then came home.

Have since started feeling distinctly crap again so am going to bed shortly - I think my body is finally refusing to go on until I have some rest!

Nighty night.

PS I backblipped last night - its a bloody huge tarantula!

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