A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Wind farm at Scout Moor

James deserted us this afternoon and went to Preston with his former childminder to see her son Alex, who James hero worships. So Corin persuaded me that going to Asda to do the shopping was a bad idea and we should go and see the recently opened wind farm at Scout Moor (up on t'moors near Rawtenstall and Ramsbottom, near where I work)

It was rough going getting up towards them as the moors were extremely wet and boggy, but we had been sensible and worn waterproofs and proper walking boots. It didn't help that my cold still lingers and I couldn't breathe through my nose!

Someone had clearly lost a shoe on the way down at some point which made me chuckle. Until I nearly did the same in a boggy puddle later on!

We walked up and although the skies were grey, it was clear and the turbines were clearly visible and very impressive, but as we got closer to the wind turbines, the cloud drew in thick and fast

The scale of the turbines is awesome (in the truest sense of the word). I had to walk a fair distance away from the one we went to in order to capture Corin in the shot - he's the little 'ant like' figure in the bottom of the picture on this link

We came back down, through the clouds and with a couple of side slips down the muddy paths, to get a brew from the butty van. Much to my dismay, they had used sterilised milk - UGH - mum and Aunty Val - I know now why you complained so mercilessly about Nana using Steri for all those years!!!

Have since been to Asda, bought the Lego Batman game for James for the XBox, bought curry for tea and a nice thick pair of sock slippers for me so that I can warm up again!

More photos here

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