Specks Appeal

By REDMarmalade

Diet Coke Break

What a gorgeous sunny day here in Aberdeen. Just a pitty I'm confined to the sofa with my foot up. It's safe to say that I'm feeling the effects of the blinking GIANT needle today. Throb, throb, throb! Thumping headache to go with it too. Grr!!

Anyway, since it's so nice out, Awsomo decided to start sorting our driveway. He's doing a sterling job. The only thing to make this shot better would be if there was a can of Diet Coke sitting on the slabs! Haha.

Took this shot as I poked my head round the corner on a rare moment of hobbling through to the kitchen for a drink. Hmm, maybe I should get that coke and have a Diet Coke break!

REDMarmalade xxx

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