A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Blossom in the 'burgh

Another lovely, lovely day :]

Woke up to blue skies and sunshine after a wonderful 10 hours of sleep :] Fee & I then headed for brunch at Toast which was delicious - french toast with bacon & maple syrup! Being as the weather was promising it was decided that a wander through the meadows should follow :]

Being girls, a trip into the city and a browse in various pretty shops was a natural progression, finishing it off with a smoothie in St. Andrew's square before jumping back on the 30... With a quick detour to Fort Kinnaird en-route where music was purchased and the Chinese takeaway trailer seemed a viable option for tea. Final walk through the sun eating chicken fried rice & now I'm back in the flat listening to some fun new tunes :]

If the sky stays blue & the sun out I may just pop down to the beach for some sunset views!

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