Saturday: Change of Plan
I had grand plans for tonight's blip. I had heard that there was going to be a pretty major storm here tonight so I deliberately held off posting as I had grand visions of taking the mother of all lightning streak shots, winning major awards with my picture, giving up work and living off the proceeds. But all we have is a bit of rain, a real drop in temperature, and grey skies. So my grand plan will have to wait for another day.
I went into work for a few hours today to clear some stuff but it didn't quite go according to plan. For one thing, my boss was also in so we spent most of our time chatting. Added to that, my dear Mama rang and didn't seen to register the fact that me being in on a Saturday translated into having quite a lot to do..........cue for a half hour phonecall.
Oh well, there's always Monday!
In the absence of a stormy shot, here you have a downtown building. I could do a whole series of facades of Zagreb buildings! Calm yourselves!
Track 131
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