Specks Appeal

By REDMarmalade

Sense Of Foreboding

Went to the beach today. Not when it was bathed in sunshine. No, no, that makes too much sense. I decided to go 15 minutes before it started peeing down! Thankfully I didn't get soaked though.

Was really just shoving in time before picking up Awsomo. And, still hobbling, I slowly walked along the front. Needed to clear my head & breath in and out with the tide.

During my walk I noticed just how strange the clouds looked. They had a real sense of foreboding. Out with the iPhone i goes and started snapping away. Took some of the beach, the boats, just the clouds and some of Old Aberdeen. Finally settled on one of the Old Aberdeen ones. The composition, clouds and 'feel' of it matched how I was feeling at the time.

Hopefully it'll be a brighter day all round tomorrow. After all it'll be Awsomo's birthday!

REDMarmalade xxx

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