
By Madchickenwoman

Looking cute?!

Evening at friends - there should have been 4 of us but one was a no show, and as she is still in the hell hole we forgave her! The three of us have escaped( we all worked at the same school.) Young Katie on the left just escaped again from her last place of work and is starting a new SENCO job in January, middle Louise very happy in her advisory VI role, and me happy doing nothing! We unwittingly arranged ourselves by age and I am the oldest and Katie always refers to me as The Oldie! 
Louise started the whole "looking cute" photo session and so this is my back dated blip! Which is rather apt given that I can relay none of the outrageous conversation and we look like 3 monkeys saying no evil! The camera really does lie!
Driving back I saw 1 other car - most eerie and unusual. There was a driving rain and I felt like I was in a scene from some "End of the World" film! I had thought of stopping to take the Tamar Bridge with the lights but with no lens hood ( still awaiting it's arrival from China!!!) I decided against it!
Really don't know where the rest of the day went - apart from closing chickens and putting down rat bait! The previous evening whilst rearranging the bricks to prevent us sliding on the mud slurry around the coop, I discovered a rat run! Whole area gave way to expose a tunnel! For a nanosecond thought it was one of those sinkholes that were so often reported earlier this year! Albeit a mini one! I had already seen the opening they had dug under one of the bins, and spotted a further smaller hole a good way up from the coop - never suspected the two were linked! Even when we had our rat infestation several  years ago I never found tunnels like this - and no sighting of the rat(s)! On the plus side maybe they will provide some underground drainage?!
Time for bed as opening girls in 5 hours time  and  visiting friend in hospital as my bug seems finally to have gone! Plus I must get up some decorations before my sister arrives sunday!! Saturday is a Kess walking day and Strictly final so no chance of doing it then! 
P.S. The sentence "finally to have gone" reminds me of my mum - she was a grammar freak and every time Star Trek came on would say "  Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilisations; to boldly split infinitives where no man has split before"! Just a fond memory!

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