Learning day by day

By EmmaF

The Birthday Girl

Wow, five years, just where did that go to. I really thought Carys might explode with excitement this morning, then after she was dressed, she realised that there were no presents upstairs and her little face fell, until I whispered that they were downstairs, return of the smile. Phew!

When we got downstairs Carys was really good with William, letting him open her cards while she opened the presents. Then it was birthday breakfast of nutella on toast and off to school with a 5 badge on her chest and a bag of iced gems to give out after school.

I left William with Tina and headed home to make the first (and probably easiest) birthday cake of the week. Once that was done it was into town to buy a helium balloon and take it and the cake to Pizza Express for later and then return to Sainsbury's to do the shop for the party food and get the ingredients for the next cake. Once home I had time to sort the party bags before heading off to pick up two small people.

Carys came out on a high having given out her sweets, only to show me two bandaged knees. she had been pushed over in the playground and hurt her knees enough to cry. 'I cried lots Mummy and I really wanted you', not what you want to hear at anytime let alone on a birthday. When we got home I took off the plasters to reveal one grazed and one very grazed and dirty knees. I had to clean them, which of course hurt and made Carys cry. Felt like the worst Mummy in the world. Then covered them over again, one is bad though as it had seeped through the meopore when I checked at bedtime.

Off to Pizza Express to meet Nanna and Poppa. Her face and excited jumping up and down when she saw her balloon told me that I had done the right thing by buying one. Both kids were brilliant and William ate everything in sight (apart from the salady bits) and both charmed the waitress. Sadly the lighting was awful and I stupidly only took the little camera. Why when I know the shutter delay and taking shots of the kids don't go together? I don't know, so my shots today of all days are rubbish, but this is Carys enjoying her dessert.

I will take the 'big' camera on Saturday to her party, I will take lots of photos and I will get Jim to take one of me and her.

Happy Birthday my Carys. You are one of the most generous and kind children I know. Your thoughtfulness for others is old beyond your years. You charm everyone you come into contact with and you have an innocence and wonder at the world around you that many of us could learn from. I feel very lucky to be your Mummy and hope that you feel the same way.

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