Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Monday, 12/15/2014 -- Sunshine Cafe, Morro Bay

Today we went looking for a shot of wheatgrass -- I googled "health food stores" on my phone (we were in Morro Bay to do some banking and Mr. Fun was looking at thrift stores for a pan to cook beans in, other than just the crockpot) so my phone gave me the Sunshine Café. It's right in downtown.

We walked in to learn they don't do wheatgrass, but they will do it beginning in January because they're going to open a juice bar, but they did have lentil soup. I apologize for the photo -- I should have taken it before I started eating; I was halfway through eating when I remembered to photograph it.

It was delicious and the bowl was huge. I could not finish mine, so Mr. Fun finished it for me. Then we discovered their health food store next door, which looks like a hole in the wall, but we walked in and the store is really deep. They had a lovely refrigerator/freezer section; they had a great nuts and seeds section, a large section of vitamin and mineral bottles, and all kinds of good can goods, and a small produce section.

Both the store and the cafe were really quite a find, so the best part of our day out-of-the-house was finding the café and the health food store.

From California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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