Carols on the Quay

Finally found time to get back on our bikes for the first time in far too long. The last long bike ride I did was my 100 miler, and all muscle definition I'd managed to build has promptyly fallen away again. I'm looking forward to getting stuck in once more though. Today we managed a paltry 20 miles before the wind got too strong and legs got too tired. It was excellent though. Also the perfect excuse to stop off at the Deli for lunch on the way home. The cold caught up with me over lunch and I was chilled to the bone by the time we got home, it took me ages to warm up again.

Mum came over in the evening and we walked down to the Quay for the annual carol service, which I've never been to before. It was packed down there and a lovely atmosphere; if a little religious for my liking. After the service, we waved Mum off and met up with some friends for an unexpectedly late and drunken night in the pub. Everyone else had finished work for the year, and I conveniently managed to put work tomorrow out of my head for a few hours. The highlight of the evening was discovering a friend and I were wearing the exact same Icelandic jumper bought on separate holidays this year.

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