An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

A little bit of history

This is my great grandfather, Sergeant Thomas Gregory. I was quite surprised this morning to find (via my Mum's cousin Audrey, who was over here a few weeks ago visiting) that a couple of articles were in yesterdays UK newspapers about him. 

One in The Telegraph and the other in the Daily Mail. If you are interested in the First World War, please have a look at these articles. (I know Skeena will be interested.) My Mum's grandfather was one of two soldiers killed in the famous (infamous?) Christmas Day truce of 1914.  My grandma was one of the seven children referred to in the articles – Doris. Her younger sister (my aunt Lille, who died just a few years ago) never met her father. My great grandmother was left to bring up those seven children alone. Quite an interesting read and although my Dad has done a lot of family history research over the years, he had never seen the letters from the other soldier killed that day. I remember visiting his grave in a war cemetery in France when I was a child.

Not very festive perhaps, but no less relevant to the time of year.

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