An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

My Christmas contribution

While waiting to see if we'd get a repeat performance of last night's spectacular sunset (no, afraid not...) I thought I'd play with the christmas tree lights, after being reminded of this technique by John Gravett.
I got some interesting, very squiggly and more abstract shots with no tripod and my big zoom. But a tripod and my motorised zoom gave a much smoother result. The golden glow is from the setting sun lighting up the lounge through the big west facing windows.

(Some of you may know that I am not a fan of Christmas – it's fine if you're a Christian or even if it was mid-winter, but I just see it as a big marketing drive and an excuse to eat more than we should. But N really likes it, so she takes full responsibility for the tree. I do like fairy lights though. My sister thinks I'm just a big misery.)

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